Katy Perry & Russell Brand har samma tatuering / Katy Perry & Russell Brand has the same tattoo!

Katy Perry visade upp sin nya tatuering igår under en konsert på Times Square! Tatueringen sitter på armen på exakt samma ställe som fästmannen Russell Brand har sin och texten och typsnittet är identiskt: "Anuugacchati Pravaha" (betyder "Go with the flow")
Katy Perry showed off her new tattoo yesterday during a concert in Times Square! The tattoo sits on his arm in exactly the same place as her lover Russell Brand has his and the text and the font is identical: "Anuugacchati Pravaha" (meaning "Go With the Flow")
Katy Perry showed off her new tattoo yesterday during a concert in Times Square! The tattoo sits on his arm in exactly the same place as her lover Russell Brand has his and the text and the font is identical: "Anuugacchati Pravaha" (meaning "Go With the Flow")